Minister of Veteran’s Affairs Commendation

Minister of Veteran’s Affairs Commendation

Whereas the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, did authorize the creation of a Minister of  Veteran’s Affairs Commendation and the

Insignia thereunto pertaining to be presented to those Veterans and others who, in an exemplary way, have contributed either to the care and well-being of Veterans or

to the remembrance of the sacrifices and achievements of Canadians in armed conflict; And whereas  


Jon Ted Wynne


has made such exemplary contributions  by generously giving of themself and so both benefitting Veterans and making manifest the principle that Canada’s obligation

to all who have served in the cause of peace and freedom must not be forgotten. 


This same Minister of Veteran’s Affairs Commendation and Insignia are hereby granted; Given under my hand in the city of Ottawa this 14th day of March 2019.


The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay.




Jon Ted Wynne’s Reflections on the Ceremony:

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